Shark Tank Chronicles Part 1: Getting on Shark Tank

Shark Tank Chronicles Part 1: Getting on Shark Tank
Fifteen years ago, I was at Boston University excelling in my business program. My mom was so proud of me — I was thriving academically after many years of feeling “meh” about school.

One day, back home in San Diego, my mom flipped on the TV and Shark Tank was on. She pointed to the TV, and I’ll never forget her saying, “Look, honey! That could be you one day.”

I am a strong believer in the power of manifestation, so I give my mom partial credit for manifesting this amazing opportunity all those years ago, and reinforcing that it was possible.

Fast forward to 2020, and I'm running a thriving e-commerce business. Shark Tank was always on my radar, but I decided it was finally the right time to apply. I went to the website and filled out an application to be on the show. Soon after, I got a call saying I had made it to the next round in the process! I spent a whole day creating my audition video, only to get eliminated. Even so, the producers encouraged me to apply again next year.

In February 2021, I re-applied. After several rounds of auditions, I got a call from the producers one afternoon while I was on a run. I got on the show!!! I was so excited. My SharkTank tape date was originally scheduled for late July. The week before, I was laser-focused and put all of my energy into preparing.

As I approached the taping date, I prepared like an athlete going to the Olympics. I spent over 40 hours writing and practicing my pitch, designing my set, practicing some more, purchasing props, and picking my outfit. I was READY.

Then, the night before I was supposed to go in and tape, I got a call from my producer. My tape day had been rescheduled.

I was devastated. I felt like the rug had been ripped out from underneath me. I was so bummed. I felt foolish for putting so much effort into preparation and for telling so many friends and family members about it — I felt like I’d let them down.

The following three or four weeks were really hard. I felt depressed and aimless.

Having dealt with some heartbreaks and setbacks in the past (I am an entrepreneur, after all), I knew what I needed to do to get myself out of this slump. I did some therapy, journaled regularly, and gave myself time to recover from this major let-down. I used what I knew was helpful to me and went all-in on self-care.

Then, just as I started to feel better, I got engaged! Josh’s proposal in August was the most exciting, wonderful moment of my life. It breathed life and energy back into me — it’s no coincidence August was Curie’s best month of the entire year.

The reality was: I had everything I needed to make my company successful. I didn’t need Shark Tank — it was a big opportunity, but not our only opportunity.

Stay tuned for Part 2: The Hike!


  • Bruce Litvin

    When I saw the show that night I saw how hyped up you were but yet totally ready for anything the Sharks threw at you! If more entrepreneurs came prepared like you there’d be more investors! You really enchanted me! I also know your products were sold out that night and I can’t wait for the product to come in! I hope you monies this and answer a question, What’s the best fragrance for men as I don’t want to smell like a lady! I also have tried the Lume product and it works but it’s dry, sticky and flaky so I’m hoping that your product has better ingredients! I can’t wait to try them! Good luck to you and your products!

  • Elizabeth Carroll

    I watched your episode as well. I am certain there is a little editing that goes into the pitch, the offers and the outcome but the way you turned around the situation at the last moment was what became most impressive. Congratulations on the achievement. I’ve already received my first order and it is everything you said it would be.

  • Alane

    I watched Shark Tank when you were on. You were absolutely amazing! Your product was just what I needed. I am allergic to Aluminum and the deodorant I was using had just been discontinued. I ordered my product right away and can’t wait to get it.

  • RLH

    Amazing journey; life has so many ups and downs. Your drive and perseverance is admirable and motivational. Now, get more stock so more of us can support your product.

  • Linda Venzke

    I first purchased your deodorant spray from Amazon and loved it! I was looking to reorder it on Amazon and didn’t see it and a few months later, I was so excited to you see you on Sharktank. I immediately went online and ordered from your website after I watched the show! I love your spray deodorant and have now tried the body wash and that is wonderful also! You were great on Shark Tank and I wish you the best of luck in your venture!

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